Isaac Omolo Okero – Defied Odinga wave for 10 years

Listen Isaac Edwin Omolo Okero had a relatively successful political career between 1969 and 1979 as a Cabinet Minister and Member of Parliament for Gem constituency in Siaya District. He served in various ministries in the Kenyatta administration between 1969 and 1978 and briefly in President Moi’s government as the Minister for Power and Communications […]

Jackson Harvester Angaine – At the heart of the land question

Listen In his sunset years, Jackson Harvester Angaine styled himself the “King of Meru”. He will be remembered as the minister who had the trickiest docket in independent Kenya: Settling millions of landless Kenyans in the former White Highlands. He also played a leading role in creating an African propertied class, leading to gross inequities […]

Eliud Mwamunga – Promoted Africanisation in trade and commerce

Listen Eliud Timothy Mwamunga was an astute politician in post-independent Kenya, navigating turbulent political waters to serve in the Cabinets of Presidents Kenyatta and Moi. He later co-founded the Democratic Party of Kenya (DP) that would play the initial role in catapulting Kibaki to become Kenya’s third President. A wealthy landowner in a constituency endowed […]