Titus Musembi Mbathi – Beneficiary of a by-election and victim of a snap poll

Listen At independence, Titus Musembi Mbathi was one of Kenya’s pioneer technocrats together with the likes of Kenneth Matiba (Permanent Secretary) and Duncan Ndegwa (Governor, Central Bank of Kenya). Mbathi served as a Permanent Secretary (PS) under President Jomo Kenyatta and President Daniel arap Moi, first in the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development and […]

Stephen Kanyinke ole Ntutu – MP who joined politics under pressure

Listen Stephen Kanyinke ole Ntutu ventured into politics in 1997 when he won the Narok South parliamentary seat from the incumbent, Samson ole Tuya. The following year, President Daniel arap Moi appointed him as an Assistant Minister in the East African Community. Born on 1 January 1958 in Narok District (now known as Narok County), […]

Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka – From poor village boy to consummate diplomat

Listen It is said that one should never despise one’s humble beginnings, for who knows where they could lead? This saying rings true for Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, who rose from being a poor village boy in the dry, windswept town of Tseikuru on the northern fringes of present-day Kitui County to become a Cabinet Minister […]

Stanley Shapashina ole Oloitiptip – The man who stood up to colonialists for Maasai land rights

Listen From 1963 to 1983, Stanley Shapashina ole Oloitiptip bestrode Maasai politics like a colossus, and when he dropped out of the national limelight, his political career collapsed like a house of cards – ending with a 12-month jail term. Born in 1924 in Endoinyo Oontawua, at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro, Oloitiptip was the […]

Simeon Nyachae -Fiery administrator who faced cartels head on

Listen As perhaps one of the most prominent provincial administrators in Kenya, Simeon Nyandusi Nyachae was the embodiment of hard work and resilience; a man who painstakingly scaled the ranks of public administration to become a contender for the presidency – from District Commissioner to Provincial Commissioner, parastatal head, Head of Public Service and Secretary […]